Friday, January 9, 2009

Still miss you Linda

I started to write this post over two years ago, and never did complete it. Here's how it started;

'Well, life has gone and done it again. And not in a good way. My friend - Linda - she had leukemia - died on January 5th. I just talked to her over the Christmas holidays - she was home from the hospital for a few days after her 1st round of chemo treatment and things were going well. Her daughter had made it to Toronto for Christmas with her new boyfriend, and Linda was feeling strong and positive.

Then on the night of Jan 4, a brain anuerysm struck and by the morning she was gone. Pfft, just like that.'

That's as far as I got, and I couldn't finish it - stopped writing completely actually. Someone recently pointed out to me that I hadn't written for a while, so I thought I try it again. Lots has happened since Linda died, life went on as it does - lots if it just mundane and boring life, some of it difficult and frustrating, some of it wonderful. So Linda, I'm going to try and start this writing thing again. Just want to tell you that I still miss you, My son (your honourary grandson) is still wonderful and growing like crazy, your new granddaughter (saw her on facebook) looks just like you and the chorus won another third place medal! Lois is living in Russia of all places and loving it. Gerry is doing well, the last I heard - business is fantastic and he came to our last chorus show. I think you know all of this though..

So, that's it for tonight, I'm going to post this one and try to keep at it - wish me luck - and give Pat a hug from me!

Monday, November 24, 2008

In all thy sons command...

I've sung this line many times over the years at school, at hockey games etc and apparently I never really knew what it meant.

According to MM, it means that I am to obey his every wish and desire as soon as he voices it, or at least that's what he told me when he demanded his apple juice one day and I refused to jump to it!

Who knew that our national anthem was actually a parenting guidebook? Here are some of MY interpretations: 'with glowing hearts, we see thee rise' must mean to wake him up earlier on school days than on weekends; 'the true north strong and free' means yes it's winter and yes it's cold, go out and play anyways - it builds character; and finally 'we stand on guard for thee' translates to you're absolutely not going to date 'till you're married! (ok so I stole that one from Kim Possible)

Yep, I learn something new everyday...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why do they sleep in on weekdays?

As I write this I am waiting for MM to go to sleep. What parent out there hasn't dealt with the nighttime routine - I'm hungry - I'm thirsty - I need to pee - I'm just not tired - and then finally, the silence of sleep. I've tried tiring him out, bribing and even threatening and none of it works! Ah well, eventually he always sleeps.

Which brings me to my question for the universe. Why oh why does he always wake up at 6:00 a.m. on the weekends and on days off, but he sleeps till 7:30 on school days?

Ah there it is - the ever so soft snore - he's gone to sleep. Now I can go do all my other chores...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 22, 2008

Well, this is a new thing for me. Never blogged before, never even kept a journal. Lately though I've been feeling the need to get some things written down.

Some quick facts - I live in Toronto, I am married (I'll call him M) and we have one 5 1/2 yr old son and I'll call him MM. I'm currently not working, although managing the house, the husband, the son and oh yeah the dog seems to keep me busy. That is so not a complaint - unlike many others I am able to be there for sick days, pd days, field trips etc - so I am very lucky. There are days when I miss adult interaction but I am more lucky than I sometimes remember.

Anyways, tonight I am sad - within the last three weeks I have had one friend die from cancer and another friend was just diagnosed with leukemia yesteday. She and I were just in Hawaii two weeks ago singing our hearts out with our chorus. I know everyone has heard it before, but life really is short. Live, love and laugh now while you can...

I think that's it for now. I have to go kiss my son good night and hold him while he sleeps.